Tar Heel Emergency Net
Nightly 7:30 p.m. - 3923 kHz
(Alternate Frequency 7232 kHz**)
Net Manager
Doug Wall, N3LTVD3L2W3@gmail.com
Net Protocol
See you all tonight at 7:30 pm for a regular session of the THEN. Remember to adhere to the Net Procedures. The Tar Heel Emergency Net is a directed net. This means that the Net Control Station is in charge. The Net will best serve all if basic ground rules are followed.
- Net members are expected to follow the directions of the NCS.
- Use standard ITU phonetics when checking into the Net.
- Follow the established net protocol.
- Know and announce which District you reside in.
- Report to the NCS promptly whenever called.
- Net members should ask NCS permission before they use the frequency.
- Never leave a net without checking out.
About the Tar Heel Emergency Net
The Tar Heel Emergency Net is a directed net and is the North Carolina HF ARES® net. ARES® is "Amateur Radio Emergency Service," and is part of the ARRL field organization. The purpose this net is to provide communications during emergencies, to provide training in all aspects of net operations, to serve as a forum for discussions and to foster fellowship among radio amateurs. All radio amateurs are invited to participate in the Tar Heel Emergency Net.
** The alternate frequency of 7232 is only used if the net is activated during the day and the band drops out. When this happens we may have to go plus or minus a few kHz to find a clear frequency.
The Tar Heel Emergency Net is one of the longest running nightly nets, meeting on the air since 1947! Although the frequency and some of the Ham terminology has changed over the years, the Tar Heel Emergency Net continues to provide training to amateurs who are "furnishing communication when and if the public has need of its services". And we still need to be mindful of good operating procedures. Enjoy this 1954 copy of the net rules provided from the library of Weldon, W4AJT.

Net Control Stations
Amateurs interested in being a Net Control Station for the Tar Heel Emergency Net (THEN) contact the net manager.Current Net Control Stations
Tar Heel Emergency Net (THEN) Script
The THEN script is available for download in several formats:Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Hyper Text Markup Language (.html)
Script for Monday Night ARES Session (.html)
Net Reports
Net Control Stations should send net reports to the Net Manager within a few days following the net and prior to the 4th day of any following month. A new form is being created.ITU Phonetic Alphabet
A Alfa | N November |
B Bravo | O Oscar |
C Charlie | P Papa |
D Delta | Q Quebec |
E Echo | R Romeo |
F Foxtrot | S Sierra |
G Golf | T Tango |
H Hotel | U Uniform |
I India | V Victor |
J Juliet | W Whiskey |
K Kilo | X X-ray |
L Lima | Y Yankee |
M Mike | Z Zulu |